MacHack 1994
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MacHack™ '91
Hacks '91
DropSave Read Me
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DropSave by Dean Yu
The MacHack ’91 Release
So Tom says to me one day, “Gee, Dean, wouldn’t it be
cool if there was a little document gadget in the title bar
of a window, and if you click on it, you would be able to
drop that document into a Finder window and make the application
save into that window?” I laughed and claimed that it couldn’t
be done. This was several years ago when I didn’t know any
better. (Some may claim that nothing has changed since then.)
Well, System 7 is finally out and now it IS possible to do
just this. (With some interface tweaks.)
With DropSave installed, when you shift click on the title
bar of a document in an application which has a “Save As”
menu item, the document will zoom down to a region shaped like
a document icon. You can drag this region around and drop it
on a Finder window. DropSave will then make the application
save the document in that window. By option-shift-clicking on
the title bar, the application’s “Save As” dialog will appear
so you can change the name of the document if you wish. (You
can even move around directories if you really wanted to.) The
document will reappear sometime during this process. (I don’t
have the code next to me, and I can’t remember if it reappears
after it saves, or when you let up on the mouse button.)
Hey, it’s only a hack, and I’ve got a real job, so it doesn’t
do everything that I want it to. Things to watch out for:
• You can only drop on open Finder windows. Folders
in windows don’t highlight when you drag over them. The Desktop
is considered to be an open window.
• Because of the way some applications do their event loops,
DropSave may not seem to work in these applications. (MacWrite II
and Studio/8 come to mind.) If you let up on the mouse, and it
doesn’t seem like the document was saved, click in the menubar
to give DropSave a kick-start.
• Some applications (MacDraw II is the only one I found)
that allows you to choose a document type in it’s Save dialog
will wind up saving with a generic document icon with no type.
Other Stuff
I made the mistake of giving out my old phone number and
address in the Read Me for an older version of NetBunny. I’ve
since been innundated with calls about NetBunny crashes, updates,
rumours, etc. So I’m not going to give that information out
with my hacks any more. You’ll have to find me through e-mail
now. (It’s not as bad as it sounds. I read my mail much too
often.) You can reach me at nerm@apple.com.
DropSave by Dean Yu
Copyright 1991 Cyberite Systems. All Rights Reserved.